Invitation – Together with mothers in Afghanistan for the right to education for their daughters


Join our high level virtual panel discussion #RaiseAPen
on November 25th 2020 16:00 Paris / 19:30 Kabul

to hear international decision makers discuss the way forward.

Event Flyer

Panelist bios

This event, which coincides with the UN-designated International Day for the Elimination of violence against Women, is part of the MMM #RaiseAPen campaign which answers the call of mothers in Afghanistan for the continued right to education for their daughters. Denying education to girls and women is a form of violence and must be prevented at all costs.

Backed by key global personalities and organisations, the campaign supports education for women and girls not only because it is a fundamental human right and remains central across all political divides globally, but also because it is a key condition for development and building peace.

Much of the progress that Afghanistan as a country has made over the last 18 years can be attributed to the power of the pen and the resilience of Afghan women themselves, who have fought to bring about meaningful change.

But there is much that still needs to happen to allow more Afghan girls and women to participate in the development of their country. At this important moment in the country’s history, no one wants to move backwards.

This high level discussion offers a unique opportunity for the virtual audience to pose direct questions to key decision makers on how to move forward beyond ‘raising a pen’.

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Please send your questions/comments in advance (no later than November 20th 2020) as there will be no live Q&A. This can be done either when registering on EventBrite or using the contact form

Event Programme

Opening Remarks:

  • Anne-Claire de Liedekerke, President MMM @acdelied
  • Rahela Sidiqi, Founder & Director Farkhunda Trust for Afghan Women’s Education @RahelaHSidiqi


  • H.E Rangina Hamidi, Minister of Education I.R of Afghanistan @Rangina_Hamidi
  • Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director General of Education @SteGiannini
  • Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Executive Director Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security @MelanneVerveer
  • Ambassador Mohammad Wali Naeemi, Deputy Permanent Representative of I.R of Afghanistan to the UN @AfghanMissionUN
  • Staffan de Mistura, Former UN Special Envoy to Afghanistan


  • Mary Kaldor, Professor of Global Governance and CEO of the Conflict Research Program, IDEAS, London School of Economics and Political Science @KaldorM

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Invitation – Together with mothers in Afghanistan for the right to education for their daughters


Join our high level virtual panel discussion #RaiseAPen on November 25th 2020 16:00 Paris / 19:30 Kabul to hear international decision makers discuss the way forward.

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