#RaiseAPen: How you can get involved

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What is the #RaiseAPen campaign about?

#RaiseAPen answers the call of mothers in Afghanistan to safeguard and advance the right to education for their daughters at this critical juncture in their history. What mothers in Afghanistan want is for the international community to be aware that this right is endangered by current political uncertainties.

MMM, as part of its mission, is answering this call through the awareness raising #RaiseAPen campaign.


  • Amplify, in the local and international decision-making arenas and to the general public, the voices of Afghan mothers fighting to keep, develop and extend the right to education for women and girls
  • Draw the attention of decision makers at the global level (during peace talks and after) to the importance of women and girls’ education and ensure it is a top priority of any peace deal

The campaign supports women and girls’ right to education not only because it is a fundamental human right, but also because without education for ALL, sustainable development and peace is simply not achievable.

And ultimately, standing for girls’ education in Afghanistan is standing for girls’ education everywhere.


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