Beyond Maternity Protection: Mothers need more than just leave policies


UN Geneva - MMM took part in an event organized on 8 November by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Maternity Protection: "A

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Supporting mothers and families essential for Early Childhood Development and Peace


UN Geneva, Geneva Peace Week - MMM had the privilege to represent the Early Childhood Peace Consortium at an event organized by Arigatou International on "Rethinking Peace theory and practice:

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Beijing+25 – MMM highlights Motherhood wage gap in discussions on Gender Pay Gap


UN Geneva, Beijing+25 UNECE Regional Review - MMM seized the opportunity to speak at the session on the Gender Pay Gap of the intergovernmental meeting to draw attention to the

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Beijing+25: #FeministsWantSystemChange – Mothers too


UN Geneva, Beijing+25 - MMM was actively involved in the preparations for the CSO Forum that took place on 28 October, just before the UNECE intergovernmental meeting to review the

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AJAD MMM runs sexuality education program in Cote d’Ivoire to combat teenage pregnancies


Cote d'Ivoire / UNESCO - Following the implementation of UNESCO's O3 program on Comprehensive Sexuality Education in communities, AJAD MMM continues its campaign in schools in collaboration with the M

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A mother’s call for an end to disability by proxy


Riga - September 2019 - workshop on children with disabilities. Representing Make Mothers Matter, Laura Fiquet made it clear that mothers with disabled children are frontline to face many obstacles

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Supporting maternal health through the Riseup-PPD EU COST ACTION


Make Mothers Matter is proud to be part of the new EU research network on Peripartum Depression Disorder (PPD) where we are co-leading a working group on the dissemination of

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MMM participates in a EU research project combining family support and parenting policies


MMM is part of a new Pan-European Family Support Network. The main aim and objective of the Action is to build collaborative pathways between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, children, famil

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ESPERAS spotlights the work of women for sustainable peace


Brussels - Esperas of which MMM Belgium is partner witnessed a great result from its 1st peace project. Find out what and how some women are not victims but part

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Supporting parents and families essential to the realization of children rights


UN Geneva - Make Mothers Matter seized the occasion of the 2019 Social Forum to remind Member States that promoting and protecting the rights of children and youth through education

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