This event, marked by insightful presentations and discussions, addressed the challenges and opportunities that exist in parenting within our complex society and highlighted the tools created to provide parents with the necessary support for a positive home environment and enhanced family well-being
The final EU conference of the We Learn Everywhere project sponsored by Erasmus+ (European Union), which Make Mothers Matter coordinated, took place recently at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. The partners of the project include:
UNESSA (BE), CANDIDE (BE), Acción Familiar (ES), Symplexis (EL), ReadLab (EL), University of Torino, dept. of psychology (IT).
Because families need knowledge, resources, and a supportive community to nurture the next generation
The following is the full report of the conference
In her work as rapporteur of EESC’s opinion on Care, she proposed the launch of a “European Care Guarantee, to ensure life-long access to affordable quality healthcare and care services for everyone living in the EU.” This call also underlined the importance of “supporting families in their fundamental role as caregivers and asked for adopting specific measures to tackle Gender equality and to ensure better distribution of care within households”.
Since 2022, with the Czech Presidency, the topic of mental health has been on the EU agenda. In June 2023, the European Commission released its plan for a comprehensive approach to mental health in Europe, that tackles mental health holistically, placing it on par with physical health by introducing 20 flagship initiatives and €1.23 billion of dedicated funding. MEP Ujhelyi told the Conference: “We are on a good track, but we face challenges as well. One of the biggest problems remains the question of competence. Health is not an EU competence and it’s not easy to change things in every Member State. European leaders should recognise that investing in health and well-being is not merely a cost but a long-term investment in our society and economy.”
He added: “We need to infuse well-being and health considerations into the very fabric of EU policies, ensuring they don’t remain isolated topics but rather form the cornerstone of decision-making processes.” MEP Ujhelyi ended his speech by advocating for the creation of an EU-wide and also national plan for mental health, a real Mental Health Strategy, which could play an integral part in the European Health Union.
Following Ujhelyi’s intervention, the Conference heard from seven experts, on the topic of education and well-being. Central to the discussions was the undeniable right to quality parenting support — a fundamental pillar for fostering loving, safe, and stimulating environments for children.
She also highlighted the social responsibility of being a parent together with the right of families for quality parenting support.
She focused her presentation on promoting parenting competencies for quality family support. Prof. Jiménez defined Parenting competencies as “the feelings, attitudes, knowledge, skills and strategies required for an adequate performance of parental duties and responsibilities.”
She highlighted that they exist at multiple levels:
– the Individual level (such as adequate perception of the parental role, emotional self-regulation and management of stressful situations
– the Interaction level (such as beliefs about development; affect, communication and acceptance; norms and supervision; stimulation and structuring; school implication
– the Family system level (as house management; shared time as a family; co-parenting
– and the Community level (community support
She based her explanations on extensive research done by both her and other academics, in particular within the framework of the EU project on family support (Eurofamnet).
Triple P Seminar Series
She explained that to become emotionally resilient, children must develop the ability to: recognize, understand and accept feelings; express feelings in appropriate ways; face and resolve difficult situations; cope with stressful or upsetting situations.
In summary she added that stressful situations offer children the opportunity to learn how to cope. While coping with difficult situations and finding solutions, children become better prepared to cope emotionally with the challenges that appear later in life, which makes them more emotionally competent.
Parents can promote emotional resilience in their children by turning (negative) feelings into a topic of conversation, helping them to recognize and name emotions, become a model for emotional expressiveness, be optimistic about the world, prompt their emotional problem solving and encourage them to look for support whenever they need it.
“Mentalization” is a “caregiver’s ability to understand her/his child’s behavior in terms of mental states (feelings, desires, beliefs, and intentions), differentiating the other’s psychological characteristics from one’s own.”
For parents and carers it’s difficult to “mentalize” in the face of intense negative affects (fear, anger, sadness).
A key message of her intervention was that attachment is a primary need, all children attach to their caregivers. Attachment is a secure base. And high “mentalization” in parents produces secure attachment in children.
She explained that during pregnancy many changes may arise. These could include new “representations of yourself “and how these representations are “handled or processed” which could impact the way a mother adapts to pregnancy and parents assume the new parental role.
She concluded that interventions in the event of depressive symptoms in parents should facilitate “mentalization” to enhance a sensitive and responsive relationship with their child. As well, findings suggest that screening programs should involve both parents from the onset of pregnancy because “there is no difference between mothers and fathers on “mentalization” in regards to depression and infant behavior scores. Between pregnancy and up to 6 months, fathers show higher parental distress at 6 months.”
Following the experts’ panel, the partners of the WLE project underlined the many results of the project:
The Set of didactic activities is a collection of 39 fun, but also with an educative purpose, activities that are easy to implement, for parents and caregivers to spend some quality time with their children. Thanks to this tool daily family activities will become more fun and engaging for everyone in the family. The activities proposed are divided into eight categories: nature, shopping, cooking, sports, gardening, games, science, arts & craft.
The conference culminated in a round-up by Johanna Schima, Head of the EU Delegation at Make Mothers Matter. She called for the implementation of a policy framework aligned with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Positive Parenting Recommendation. This underscores the importance of parenting competences, including emotional self-regulation, stress management, and adaptability, as crucial for the healthy development of children and families.
As the conference concluded, the message was clear: supporting families through knowledge, resources, and a supportive community is imperative for nurturing the next generation. This event has set the stage for ongoing efforts to promote family well-being, championing a future where every child and family can thrive.
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