In December 2023, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) invited MMM to join the Global Coalition for Social Justice. The Coalition brings together more than 200 partners from governments, the private sector, international organisations and civil society, and serves as a platform to generate partnerships, political commitments, investments and concrete actions that support social justice.
MMM is a member of the Global Alliance for Care, which is a global multi-stakeholder community that facilitates and fosters spaces for dialogue, analysis, exchange of experiences and learning about care, its recognition as a need, as work, and as a right. Launched as part of the Gender Equality Forum in 2021, it is co-convened by UN Women and InMujeres Mexico. Its members include governments, civil society, union associations, the philanthropic sector, international organisations and academia working to implement the care agenda from the local to the global level.
The Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health (GAMMH) is a coalition of international organisations committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of women and their children in pregnancy and the first postnatal year (the ‘perinatal period’) throughout the world. Worldwide, maternal depression is the most common serious health complication of maternity. This and other mental health problems in pregnancy and postnatally result in huge human and economic costs for this generation and the next.
MMM is a member of the Advisory Board of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC). Founded on the idea that children and families can be agents of change for peace, the objective of ECPC is to “create an inclusive movement for peace and social justice, through using evidence-informed early childhood development strategies”.
Following its HLPF side-event on ‘Care and Education: cornerstones of sustainable and just economies’, MMM also joined the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll), a collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working towards a wellbeing economy, delivering human and ecological wellbeing.
The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors promotes social protection floors as key instruments to achieve the overarching social goal of the global development agenda. Social protection is one of the foundations for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development. It can simultaneously address the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability and preservation of livelihoods, and is particularly relevant for mothers.
Make Mothers Matter is member of the advisory board of the Maternal App: Soula
Which aims to empower women with the support they need during maternity. It wants to create a safe space for mothers to prevent anxiety, burnout, and depression during pregnancy.
MMM is a member of this EU coalition that works with members, partners and European WEAll hubs to advocate for a transition to a Wellbeing Economy in Europe.
MMM is a member of SDG Watch Europe, an alliance of European NGOs active in all areas of sustainable development whose objective is to promote the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at European level.
MMM is a member of the European Social Platform, the largest network of European civil society organizations active in the social sector, whose mission is to put in place regulations that contribute to social progress for all, in the spirit of human rights.
MMM is a partner of the EU Alliance for Investing in Children. The Alliance brings together over 20 European networks sharing a commitment to end child poverty and to promote child well-being across Europe.
MMM is a member of the Sounding Board of the European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC), an evidence-based online platform that provides information about policies that can help children and their families face the challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe. EPIC serves as a tool for Member States to monitor activities triggered by the Recommendation for Investing in Children. EPIC also collects and disseminates innovative and evidence-based practices for children and families which are being implemented across the EU to foster cooperation and mutual learning in the field.
In addition, MMM regularly works with a number of organisations active at the European Institutions in the fields of women’s rights and family issues, including Age Platform Europe, COFACE, Eurochild, Eurocarers, the European Women’s Lobby, Save the Children, etc.
NGO CSW members meeting with Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women Executive Director
In New York, Geneva and Vienna, MMM is a member of various NGO committees, which are strategic platforms for NGOs doing advocacy work at the United Nations. The representatives of MMM are active in the following NGO committees:
In Geneva, MMM is also a member of Child Rights Connect, a network of NGOs working to promote the rights of the child.
In New York, MMM is a member of the Coalition for Global Citizenship 2030 -CGC2030.
Finally, MMM is a member of the Women’s Major Group (WMG) and the NGO Major Group. The “Major Groups” are NGO groups created at the Rio Summit in 1992 that have the right to participate in all UN processes around sustainable development. Their objective is to coordinate the advocacy work of civil society on each of the main themes of sustainable development.
Photo: Antoine Tardy/UN Women.
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