It was by all accounts, a remarkable gathering of global peacemakers. They came from all over the world to lend their voice and support to the message of the Conference: there can be no sustainable pe [...]
Read more14.04.23
Make Mothers Matter, together with the city of Ypres, and its grass roots partners Mothers for Peace, Mama Kivu and the Vrouwenraad, is organizing an international peace Conference Women at the Peace [...]
Read more26.11.22
Following the September 2022 Transforming Education Summit (TES) held in New York, the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (WCECCE) was launched on November 14th in Tashkent, [...]
Read more26.11.20
A look back at our online High Level Panel Discussion of 25 November 2020 - Event recording, highlights, how you can get involved in the #RaiseAPen campaign [...]
Read more18.11.20
Speaking at the UfM Women4Mediteranean Conference 2020, MMM President Anne-Claire de Liedekerke also called for radical change in the way we perceive and value Care, education, and those who are respo [...]
Read more12.11.20
Join our high level virtual panel discussion #RaiseAPen on November 25th 2020 16:00 Paris / 19:30 Kabul to hear international decision makers discuss the way forward. [...]
Read more20.11.19
Our education campaign launches at the London School of Economics (LSE). [...]
Read more16.05.18
Mothers are at the heart of change for a culture of peace - at family, community, national and international levels. [...]
Read more03.05.18
Mothers at the heart of change for a culture of peace. Showcasing examples at family, community, national and international levels. [...]
Read more03.05.18
These pictures are also available in high resolution upon request. [...]
Read more13.02.25
UN New York - MMM's oral statement to the UN Commission on Social Development highlighted the central and unique role of Care for social cohesion and social development, reminding the lessons drawn from the Cov
UN New York, UN Commission on Social Development – Register now to our virtual side-event for a discussion on how a more equal sharing of unpaid care and domestic work can contribute to social cohesion and so
We are delighted to share our latest video featuring the richness, strength and commitment of our global network. They have come together with one voice to share their priorities for mothers everywhere.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), MMM was invited to participate in an expert’s hearing organised by the European Economic and Social Com
UN New York - Thirty years after the first World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen, where Member States committed to prioritise the eradication of poverty, full employment and social inclusion in devel
UN Geneva - Answering a call for input for a UN report on just transition and human rights, MMM advocates a just transition centred on care. Our contribution focusses on policies and practices that, in the cont