UN New York, HLPF - Join us on July 11th for a discussion on how #SharingTheCare at every level - family, community, governments and private sector - is vital for gender equality and the wellbeing of all. Our virtual event will take place on the margins of the High Level Political Forum, the annual UN conference that assesses progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Monday 11 July 2022
7:30-9:00 am EST / 13:30-15:00 CEST
Addressing the inequitable distribution of unpaid care work by ‘Sharing the care’ is in our view not only key to advance women’s rights and progress on Gender equality and wellbeing for all, but also key to bring about some of the systemic changes which are so necessary to ensure a sustainable and resilient recovery from the pandemic, and to achieve the 2030 development agenda.
The main purpose of this event is to continue the discussion about how to lay the ground for a more caring society, a society where care work is valued and more equally and fairly shared – between men and women, but also across society, with every stakeholder – families, communities, governments, and private sector – taking responsibility.
‘In this Together, Share the Care Transform Tomorrow is an official side-event to the 2022 UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (5-15 July 2022, New York).
Welcome & introduction
Sharing the care within families
Redistributing unpaid care work – and its costs – across society
The Right to Care in Mexico
UN New York / HLPF - Register now to join us online at this year’s High Level Political Forum side-event.
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