UN Geneva, Forum on Women's Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Invited to speak in the session on the role of women in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), MMM
Read more05.11.18
In half a year, European citizens will be called to vote for a new European Parliament and give an indication on whether they are satisfied with the current leadership or
Read more01.11.18
UN Geneva, Human Rights Council 39th Session - Mothers are directly concerned by many human rights issues. Through its statements, MMM makes their voices heard and highlights their contributions -
Read more31.10.18
Since the European Commission published a proposal of the EU Directive on Work-Life Balance for parents and family carers in April 2017, MMM has been actively following the legislative process
Read more18.09.18
Press Release - Mothers are at the heart of a culture of peace. Together with fathers, they are the primary caregivers and educators of children, and they can contribute to
Read more01.09.18
UN Geneva - MMM is delighted to support a photo exhibition illustrating mothers' challenges and choices (or lack of it) in combining professional work and family.
Read more07.07.18
UN Geneva / HRC - Through oral Statements, MMM brought the perspective of mothers to the discussions on several issues, including the return of migrants to their home country, engaging
Read more07.07.18
UN Geneva / HRC - Through oral Statements, MMM brought the perspective of mothers to the discussions on several issues, including the return of migrants to their home country, engaging
Read more07.06.18
UN Geneva - In a written Statement ahead of the Human Rights Council, MMM draws attention to the challenges faced by mothers in ensuring the necessary nurturing and caring environment
Read more04.06.18
UN Geneva / International Labour Conference - MMM oral intervention commends the International Labour's Organisation's Women at Work Initiative and its new "push for equality". It also reaffirms the u
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