European Forum on Family Support


The EU Cost Action EurofamNet, of which Make Mothers Matter is a member, hosted its final conference entitled “European Forum on Family Support. Creating an Agenda for 2030” together with

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MMM supports the idea of a job guarantee scheme to redress the inequities of care work


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - According to the UN special Rapporteur on poverty, a job guarantee could help solve the paradox of having an insufficient number of jobs on

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A new social contract must support the unpaid work of mothers and other caregivers


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - Speaking at the annual full day on women's rights, MMM once again drew attention to mothers' disproportionate share of unpaid domestic and care work,

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Parents’ role in education must be recognized and better supported


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - Speaking during the dialog with the special rapporteur on education, MMM reasserted the crucial role of parents, mothers in particular, for both formal and

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Maternal Mental Health within the New EU Mental health proposal


MMM welcomes the European Commission’s new proposal addressing mental health and bringing a much-needed focus on various aspects of mental well-being. The proposal’s emphasis on mental health pro

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MMM calls for action against parental alienation in family courts


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - The annual report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against women, Custody, violence against women and violence against children criticizes the use of

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A snapshot of our Women at the Peace Table Conference


It was by all accounts, a remarkable gathering of global peacemakers. They came from all over the world to lend their voice and support to the message of the Conference:

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MMM calls for recognition and support of mothers as part of Social Justice


UN Geneva - At the recent plenary meeting of the International Labour Conference, we reasserted the imperative, as part of social justice, of supporting caregivers, in particular mothers, in the

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Labour protection must take unpaid care into account


UN Geneva - Participating in the discussions on Labour protection at the International Labour Conference, MMM stressed that unpaid care work is indeed work, which should be everyone's responsibility.

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Pathways to a transformative recovery centered on Care


UN New York - Ahead of the upcoming 2023 High Level Political Forum (HLPF), MMM's written statement provides 2 concrete policymaking avenues to address the issue of unpaid care work

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