
Sharing the care, key for equity and the wellbeing of all


UN New York - Here is a look back at our side-event to the Commission on Social Development that took place earlier in February. 'Sharing is caring: equal parenting, a

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We call for multi-stakeholder approach to recognise and support unpaid care work


UN New York - Participating in the meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on care and support systems, MMM reaffirmed the principle of co-responsibility, which should underpin

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Good laws and practices to advance care: MMM shares input


UN Geneva – In accordance with the resolution on the centrality of care and support from a human rights perspective, which was adopted by the Human Rights Council in October

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Harnessing digital technologies to empower mothers – and their children


UN New York, CSW67 - Digital technologies, which is the priority theme of the upcoming Commission on the Status of Women, have the potential to greatly increase women’s agency and

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Making the case for Gender Equal Parenting: Vital for Early Childhood Development and a transformative tomorrow


At MMM, we believe that sharing the invisible work of caring and educating children more equitably is a quadruple win: essential for early child development (ECD), beneficial for both men

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Lessons learnt from the #MenLikeMe campaign


Our grass roots member in Canada Mothers Matter Centre launched their campaign in response to the drastic increase in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) experienced across Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Care is a collective responsibility


UN New York - Our virtual #HLPF event, which took place on the margins of the annual UN conference that assesses progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, saw expert speakers

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Unpaid care work and motherhood: MMM calls on ILO to change employment approach


International Labour conference, Geneva – To redress the economic injustice suffered by many mothers as a result of their caring responsibilities, MMM has called for a new approach to employment:

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An almost Perfect Mother – New Podcast series with Isabelle Roskam


We are delighted to be launching our new podcast series An almost Perfect Mother featuring Isabelle Roskam, professor of development and parenting psychology at the University of Louvain, Belgium. Isa

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MMM spotlights the actions of its associate members to redress inequity of unpaid care work


UN New York - The NGO Committee on Social Development regularly invites its members, i.e. representatives of ECOSOC-accredited international NGOs doing advocacy around social development, at the Unite

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

Ensuring Work-Life Balance: The EU’s Commitment to Supporting Parents, notably mothers, and Gender Equality


At the latest EPSCO Council (Employment, Social Policy, Health, and Consumer Affairs), the Council of the European Union adopted groundbreaking Conclusions aimed at addressing work-life balance and promoting ge

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Breaking the Cycle: Gender Equality as a Path to Better Mental Health


The Council of the European Union has taken a decisive step in recognising the vital connection between gender equality and mental health.

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Championing Mothers’ Rights at the UN Human Rights Council


UN Geneva - The 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC58) provided a crucial platform for advocacy, engagement, and collaboration on pressing human rights issues. MMM representatives made significant

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The voice of Mothers: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Numbers


On 11 March, MMM unveiled its State of Motherhood in Europe 2024 Survey in an interactive webinar. Three expert panelists and an engaged audience commented its most striking results presented by Angela Garcia,

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Motherhood: The Unfinished Business of Beijing


UN New York - The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) is a landmark global policy document focused on advancing gender equality and women's rights, and is considered one of the most comprehensive

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Supporting Mothers with Disabilities: A Call for Enhanced Care and Resources


Mothers with disabilities face many challenges in a world that is physically, socially and structurally inaccessible. Their struggles often go unnoticed and underappreciated which results in vast misconceptions

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