Global support for recognition of ‘Care as a Right’ gains momentum – MMM teams look back at CSW 2023


UN New York - This year’s priority theme of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was ‘Innovation, technological change, education in the digital age for achieving gender

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Women at the peace table: international Conference


Make Mothers Matter, together with the city of Ypres, and its grass roots partners Mothers for Peace, Mama Kivu and the Vrouwenraad, is organizing an international peace Conference Women at

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268 years to close the economic gender gap? It is time to consider CARE as a human right


Care is at the heart of our advocacy work here at MMM, so we were delighted to have the opportunity to put forward our thoughts in this op-ed featured on

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Unpaid care work is not a burden


UN Geneva - In recent years, MMM has strongly advocated for eliminating the use of the word ‘Burden’ in association with unpaid care work. Many people have talked and written

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Care on the move
The forgotten angle


Our Care on the Move conference took place at the European Parliament recently, where speakers from diverse backgrounds, ranging from academics, to policy-makers and representatives from civil society

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Parents key influencers for education


UN New York - With the upcoming 56th UN Commission on Population Development (CPopD56), we are publishing the written statement we submitted ahead of this session, which will focus on

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Help prepare your child for a happy, successful life
Emotional Intelligence videos for mothers and their families


Emotional intelligence is a vital skill that helps people build healthy and fulfilling relationships, maintain their mental health, make good decisions, and develop leadership skills. Unfortunately, e

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200 million hours spent by women and girls fetching water every day


UN New York - On the occasion of the World Water Day and the UN Water Conference, MMM highlights the impact of the lack of access to safe and clean

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MMM calls for the recognition of Care as a human right


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - Framing Care as a Human Right at the UN level - right to care, right to be cared for, right to self-care - would

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Why Maternal Mental Health Matters


Make Mothers Matter submitted its contribution to the Call for Evidence of the EU Commission on Mental Health.

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