International Conference #Mothers4Peace – 3-4 May, Casablanca (Morocco)


Mothers at the heart of change for a culture of peace. Showcasing examples at family, community, national and international levels.

Together with CARE International Maroc, MMM organised, under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, an international conference on the role of mothers for peace – #Mothers4Peace – on 3-4 May in Casablanca, Morocco.

Why Mothers for Peace?

Mothers are the first educators for peace. Mothers can build bridges and have the power to mobilise. They play a crucial role within families and communities. Mothers are still untapped resources that must be involved in decision making at all levels: within the family, the community, at national and international levels.

Conference Programme

Leaders, experts and practitioners in the field of women and peacebuilding discussed the latest findings and good practices on the importance of women and mothers to foster a culture of peace.

Among these :

  • HRH Esmeralda de Belgique, Author of “Women Peace Nobel Price”
  • Gary Barker, Brazil, Founder and Director of the Promundo Institute
  • Rima Salah, Ph.D., Professor at Yale Child Study Centre, Former Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF. Co-editor of  “Pathways to Peace”
  • Edith Schlaffer, Austria, Founder and Director of Women Without Borders
  • Maria Mundt, Denmark, Advisor for Women, Peace, and Security at the Atlantic Treaty Association
  • Benoît Bichon, Colombia, Researcher on social innovation, Director of socio-economic development projects at Asodamas
  • Pauline Ambrogi, France, MMM Representative at UNESCO
  • Khadija Moufid, Morocco, Founder and President of  Centre d’études familiales et de recherche sur les valeurs et le droit, Founder and President of Association nationale de développement (AL HIDN)

Conference Full Programme

Speakers’ Bios

Press Release

Media Coverage

See also the Media Relations Section (Press Release, Press Dossier & Media Coverage)

MMM thanks for their support:






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