MMM appoints former BBC television presenter Shahnaz Pakravan as Communications Manager


For Immediate Release

Shahnaz is a well-known figure in British and Middle Eastern media through her work with the BBC and ITN including Arab World Direct, Tomorrow’s World and Channel Four News. She also produced and presented her own weekly women’s show Everywoman for Al Jazeera International.

Working alongside MMM teams at the EU, UN, and UNESCO, Shahnaz will bring a wealth of experience to her role with the aim of creating greater visibility for MMM and the grassroots work of its associate members around the world.

Anne-Claire de Liedekerke, President of MMM commented on the appointment: “We are excited that Shahnaz is on board. She is the right person to help us communicate MMM’s work for and with mothers to the greater public. This will enable us to fulfill even better our mission to make mothers matter.”

“This is a real honour”, says Shahnaz. “I come from a family of strong women. My own mother was a campaigning woman who believed that the education of every girl in every society was not just a necessity but critical for all our futures. Joining MMM is the continuation of that dream. Through MMM, I look forward to making mothers matter.”


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