The MMM Network

Make Mothers Matter mobilizes mothers through its network:

  • The “National MMM” are emanations of Make Mothers Matter at the national level
  • The member associations are independent organizations working in the field around the world, whose mission is fully or partially in line with that of MMM.

The dynamics are twofold:

  • MMM showcases the grassroots actions of its members and facilitates the dissemination and exchange of good practices for mothers and families
  • The associations of the network feed MMM advocacy work at international level.

National MMM

MMM Belgium, MMM England, MMM France, MMM Lebanon and MMM Mali: advocacy at the national level and grassroots activities with and for mothers.

Member Associations

MMM federates about forty associations around the world that work on the ground with mothers and their families.

MMM supports the action of its members

MMM can facilitate the implementation of field projects carried by its members within the framework of specific programs, notably to UNESCO.

News from the MMM Network

Reconciling parenthood and work in Belgium – join the public consultation


MMM is proud to announce its support of a new initiative aimed at tackling the vital topic of ‘parenthood and employment’, a critically overlooked, urgent, and complex issue world-wide.

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KISANY joins MMM as first social enterprise member


In celebration of the various international mothers' days in May, we are delighted to welcome KISANY to the MMM network. As strong believers in the vital role of mothers in society and the need to invest in the

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Stop using women and girls as weapons of war says MMM member


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - Passy Mubalama, Activist and Executive Director of Aidprofen, our associate member in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was one of the 4 Civil Society speakers selected to addr

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Our members highlight why and how young mothers must be counted


A look back at our LP4Y event in New York

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Mothers at the forefront of achieving the SDGs


18-19 September 2023 sees the convening of the SDG Summit taking place at the UN Headquarters in New York. Here at MMM, we believe it is time to re-commit and put mothers at the centre of our efforts to realize

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Why mothers?


MMM Network Coordinator Sarah Krimi has been talking to many of our grass roots members, to get to know them better and to understand why mothers matter to their work. As Benoît Bichon, President & Founder of

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