Sylvie Droulans, a Belgian mother of two, is a zero waste activist with an interesting story about her sustainable living journey. In this interview, she tells us how she reduced her household waste t&nbp;[...]
Lire plus12.10.20
As part of CIRC4Life, an EU Horizon 2020 Research Project, Make Mothers Matter conducted three consumer surveys in order to uncover how to better engage end-users in the circular economy. On [&hellip&nbp;[...]
Lire plus14.02.20
As part of #Circ4life, an EU Horizon 2020 Research Project, Make Mothers Matter conducted three consumer surveys in order to uncover how to better engage end-users in the circular economy.&nbp;[...]
Lire plus17.09.19
As part of #Circ4life, an EU Horizon 2020 Research Project, MMM is embarking on two new consumer surveys. The aim is to involve end-users in the creation and design of […]&nbp;[...]
Lire plus15.07.19
The #CIRC4Life project consumer’s survey on attitudes to reuse and recycling concerning electronic and food products has been launched! &nbp;[...]
Lire plus15.05.19
On May 14th, Make Mothers Matter celebrated the International Day of Families by hosting a seminar highlighting the importance of engaging mothers and families as changemakers for sustainable developm&nbp;[...]
Lire plus15.04.19
Make Mothers Matter is organising in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee a seminar on “the Role of Families in achieving the Circular Economy” on the occasion of the Intern&nbp;[...]
Lire plus17.01.25
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), MMM was invited to participate in an expert’s hearing organised by the European Economic and Social Com
We are happy to announce MMM’s participation in the EU funded MAV (Mom Virtual Assistant) Project, an innovative initiative designed to empower new mothers by providing them with high-quality training in digi
We were delighted to coorganise, together with the European Parents Association (EPA), the "Quality Assurance in Child and Family Support in Europe: Policy Lessons for Evidence-Informed Decision Making" initiat
EASPD, in collaboration with various family rights networks, including MMM, has issued a position paper on “Family-centred Early Childhood Intervention" (ECI) for children with disabilities. This approach pro
Mothers play an essential role in families by ensuring their loved ones are nourished, educated, and healthy, but their unpaid care work often leads to economic and social injustices, known as the motherhood pe
UN Geneva – A resolution aimed at strengthening the right to education in international legal instruments will be negotiated during the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, which began on 18 June. This r