Universal Social Protection a must for parents, children and the future


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - MMM supports the OHCHR's views and recommendations on the Rights of the child and inclusive social protection presented to the Council. Our oral statement stresses in particular the importance of strong parental support, paid maternity and parental leaves, parenting education and comprehensive childcare policies.

The following is the full text of this statement.

Make Mothers Matter welcomes OHCHR’s excellent report on the Rights of the child and inclusive social protection .

The report recalls that parents hold the primary responsibility for children’s upbringing, and that States must provide them with the appropriate support.

We fully endorse the report’s recommendations, in particular that:

  • Strong parental support is essential for child rights compliant inclusive social protection – especially for mothers. This includes income support, universal access to health, and unemployment benefits, as well as pensions for parents.
  • Paid maternity and parental leave are crucial to avoid new mothers having to restart work before they or the child are ready. Support for pregnant women and new mothers is vital, also for healthy early child development, which is foundational.
  • Parenting education, to equip them with positive approaches, skills and resources regarding children’s development, health, nutrition and well-being, also contributes to the realisation of child rights.
  • Comprehensive childcare policies are also key to supporting children’s development and rights, while enabling parents to work or study.

Children are the next generation of citizens and workers. Investing in universal social protection, including maternity and parental support, is investing in their future and our common future – with high returns.

MMM statement for download

The statement was delivered during the General Debate, which followed the presentation of the reports that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights prepared for the 54th Session of the Human Rights Council.

These included the report on Child Rights and Inclusive Social Protection, to which MMM had provided input jointly with a group of other international NGOs working under the umbrella of Child Rights Connect.

Joint submission from Child Rights Connect, Hope and Homes for Children, Make Mothers Matter, Save the Children and Terres des Hommes International Federation to OHCHR’s call for input on Child Rights and inclusive Social Protection


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