Be Family® – committing companies to act in support of families in the workplace


MMM as founding member, is pleased to announce the launch of Be Family®, a bold and new movement that aims to ensure companies and organisations act inclusively and responsibly towards families and people with Care responsibilities.

The idea is to shift the paradigm from ‘families adapting to companies’ to ‘companies adapting to families’, thereby contributing to the realisation of  the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, 5, 6, 8 and 16.

This project echoes advocacy initiatives to which MMM has made significant contributions, such as the EU Directive 2029/1158 on work-life balance for parents and carers.

It is vital to make companies and organisations realise that enabling employees who are parents to reconcile their lives, will have a positive ripple effect on society making it more inclusive and benefit the companies in terms of recruitment, talent retention and developing people loyalty. It will further help them to formalise their social objectives and contribute to progress on the SDGs.

What does Be family® stand for?

  • A group of companies that are convinced that balancing employees’ lives is a strength for both families and businesses
  • The sharing of good practices
  • A company tool for self-assessment in terms of supporting work-life balance
  • Concrete recommendations for progress and development
  • Certification that recognises companies’ actions and helps them to make continuous improvements

The founders of the Be Family® movement, Markus Sandmayr, Françoise Cardoso and Make Mothers Matter, created a team of leaders that include Caroline de Senneville, Di-Elodie Peng, Géraldine Corcia, Damien Paineau, Amandine Gicquel and Tiphaine Mayolle.

Be Family® has mobilised and brought on board extremely committed organisations: Augustin Boulot (B Corp), Lea Binet (GPTW), Julio Andrade (UNITAR), Anais Denoits (Utopies), Karine Arquer (Les Parents Zens) and renowned professionals Judith Aquien, Bénédicte Laferriere, Putri Realita, Marine Jouët, Mila Lebrun, Selma El Mouissi, John Cagnol.

MMM is proud to be a part of this new endeavour. Collectively we are hopeful we can help companies to grow alongside their people, especially mothers and fathers and those with caring responsibilities.

 → More information on Be Family® ‘s Website


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