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MMM welcomes first ever Human Rights Council resolution on Care


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - Entitled ‘Centrality of care and support from a human rights perspective’, this landmark resolution was presented by the governments of Argentina, Iceland, Mexico

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Call to action: make 2024 the EU year for Women’s Mental Health


In June this year, the European Union (EU) Commission announced a new high-priority initiative to address the mental health of all Europeans.

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Investing in mothers key for inter-generational change


UN New York, CSocD62 - MMM's intervention to the Commission on Social Development reiterates that investing in mothers through recognition, education, protection and adequate support is a smart invest

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

MMM teams push for strengthening the right to education


UN Geneva – A resolution aimed at strengthening the right to education in international legal instruments will be negotiated during the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, which began on 18 June. This r

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Reconciling parenthood and work in Belgium – join the public consultation


MMM is proud to announce its support of a new initiative aimed at tackling the vital topic of ‘parenthood and employment’, a critically overlooked, urgent, and complex issue world-wide.

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Support for our UNESCO team


To strengthen our advocacy team at UNESCO, we are looking for a bilingual French-English volunteer, to represent us and bring the voice of mothers to UNESCO's various bodies.

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Be Family® – committing companies to act in support of families in the workplace


MMM as founding member, is pleased to announce the launch of Be Family®, a bold and new movement that aims to ensure companies and organisations act inclusively and responsibly towards families and people with

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Investing in mothers for social justice


It is official. On this World Day of Social Justice, we are proud to announce that MMM has joined the International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s newly established Global Coalition for Social Justice.

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Addressing SDGs 3&4 through Emotional Intelligence


On the eve of the SDG Summit 2030, we draw attention to the topic of Emotional intelligence, often overlooked in educational systems, which we believe is essential for healthy relationships, mental well-being,

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