Today, a trialogue meeting among the Council of the EU, Parliament, and Commission to reach a common text on the EU Work-Life Balance Directive proposal is taking place.
MMM believes that policymakers should make a real effort to reach a political agreement before the end of the year in order to have time to approve the text formally and ahead of the EU elections in May 2019. This directive proposal is very much needed and it will show European parents and carers that the EU is aiming at improving the current working conditions and well-being.
In addition, the first Eurobarometer on Work-Life Balance released on the 26th of October 2018 by the European Commission and MMM welcomes its publication. 8 in 10 Europeans expressed satisfaction with work-life balance although 70% of respondents have no caring responsibilities.
We regret that 70% of respondents had no caring responsibilities as the survey shows this particular demographic group has a good work-life balance but not working parents and carers. It is commonly known that it is the caring responsibilities which create difficulties to combine paid and unpaid care work, especially for mothers who perform a high share of it. In addition, no questions were made concerning the current maternity leave legal framework and the need to revise or extend the current 14 weeks at EU level.
The publication of the Eurobarometer was timely, as has occurred during the trialogue negotiations among the EU institutions to reach a final text on the EU Work-Life Balance Directive proposal. Make Mothers Matter highlights it brings new relevant data coming from citizens into the debate.
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In these unprecedented times, when Europe is navigating a global pandemic, when political tensions are boiling over threatening to destabilize the global order, it is vital to reflect on the people who hold the