Early childhood

MMM participates in a EU research project combining family support and parenting policies


MMM is part of a new Pan-European Family Support Network. The main aim and objective of the Action is to build collaborative pathways between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, children, famil

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European Union, Brussels - in the lead up to the recent EU elections, our EU delegation went behind the scenes at the heart of decision making - the EU Parliament

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Seminar on the role of families in the circular economy – 14 May 2019 EESC Brussels


Make Mothers Matter is organising in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee a seminar on “the Role of Families in achieving the Circular Economy” on the occasion of

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Maternal mental health impacts early childhood development


UN Geneva / Human Rights Council - MMM calls on Governments to recognize and address maternal mental health difficulties, and to invest in parenting support and early childhood education and

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MMM calls for investing in Early Childhood Development to fight poverty


UN New York - In a written statement to ECOSOC, MMM draws attention to the scientific, economic and social cases for supporting maternal physical and mental health, Early Parenting and

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European Summit “Human Rights in Childbirth”


European Union - On 19th October 2016, MMM helped organise and was a speaker at the Fourth European Summit on Human Rights in Childbirth

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

Ensuring Work-Life Balance: The EU’s Commitment to Supporting Parents, notably mothers, and Gender Equality


At the latest EPSCO Council (Employment, Social Policy, Health, and Consumer Affairs), the Council of the European Union adopted groundbreaking Conclusions aimed at addressing work-life balance and promoting ge

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Breaking the Cycle: Gender Equality as a Path to Better Mental Health


The Council of the European Union has taken a decisive step in recognising the vital connection between gender equality and mental health.

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Championing Mothers’ Rights at the UN Human Rights Council


UN Geneva - The 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC58) provided a crucial platform for advocacy, engagement, and collaboration on pressing human rights issues. MMM representatives made significant

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The voice of Mothers: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Numbers


On 11 March, MMM unveiled its State of Motherhood in Europe 2024 Survey in an interactive webinar. Three expert panelists and an engaged audience commented its most striking results presented by Angela Garcia,

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Motherhood: The Unfinished Business of Beijing


UN New York - The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) is a landmark global policy document focused on advancing gender equality and women's rights, and is considered one of the most comprehensive

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Supporting Mothers with Disabilities: A Call for Enhanced Care and Resources


Mothers with disabilities face many challenges in a world that is physically, socially and structurally inaccessible. Their struggles often go unnoticed and underappreciated which results in vast misconceptions

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