In just a few short weeks, our daily life as we know it has been turned upside down, changing everything.
The COVID-19 pandemic which is hitting us with a force unlike anything we have experienced in recent memory, is taking its toll on ALL of us, regardless of our circumstances: where we live, our economic situation, our education, our nationality, our religion…
Make Mothers Matter is, as ever, primarily concerned with mothers. They are living through this period in very different ways. For, while we are all concerned, our individual circumstances mean that the consequences are far from uniform: this crisis also exacerbates inequalities.
What we are going through reveals the importance of the role of mothers. Never before has the word ‘mother’ been so widely used in the media. Because when our lives are refocused with emphasis shifting to our basic most fundamental needs, the role of a mother, as well as that of a father, become more critical.
While frontline health care workers unite in the fight against COVID-19, parents, especially mothers, take on a crucial role as well. In addition to their usual domestic and educational responsibilities, parents must, in this period of global confinement, supplement schools and nurseries, and more generally the educational communities that are active with children in normal times – while trying, as far as possible, to continue working to provide an income.
This crisis highlights the essential role of care work that is most often poorly paid or underpaid or not paid at all.
Strengthening the basis of our social fabric and ensuring the health, well-being and education of populations must be the priority for governments. In particular, the protection of mothers and fathers who are fundamental to our existence and development. We see today how vital it is to take measures to support them in their caring and educative role.
We will have to remember this… afterward, and act accordingly: revise our political and budgetary priorities and rethink our economies and its objectives.
MMM will advocate for this as we have always done for more than seventy years.
Take care of yourself and others.
Anne-Claire de Liedekerke
President, on behalf of all MMM Teams
UN New York / HLPF - Register now to join us online at this year’s High Level Political Forum side-event.
UN New York, CSocD62 - MMM's intervention to the Commission on Social Development reiterates that investing in mothers through recognition, education, protection and adequate support is a smart invest
UN New York, CSW68 - Join us for a discussion on changing the narrative in support of mothers - an online parallel event to the 68th UN Commission on the
UN New York, UN Commission on Social Development – Register now to our virtual side-event for a discussion on how a more equal sharing of unpaid care and domestic work can contribute to social cohesion and so
We are delighted to share our latest video featuring the richness, strength and commitment of our global network. They have come together with one voice to share their priorities for mothers everywhere.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), MMM was invited to participate in an expert’s hearing organised by the European Economic and Social Com
UN New York - Thirty years after the first World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen, where Member States committed to prioritise the eradication of poverty, full employment and social inclusion in devel
UN Geneva - Answering a call for input for a UN report on just transition and human rights, MMM advocates a just transition centred on care. Our contribution focusses on policies and practices that, in the cont
UN Geneva - The working group on discrimination against women and girls has requested input on care policies and programmes worldwide. In addition to highlighting examples of good laws, policies and practices t