MMM France voices mothers’ concerns about pensions


Paris, National Assembly - On the agenda: Pension reform, the government project on the first 1000 days of life... Concerned by the impact on mothers, learn more about our French delegation’s recommendations.

Marie-Laure Gagey-des Brosses and Emilie Perrier, the two spokespersons of MMM France – the French delegation of Make Mothers Matter, were heard on December 10, 2019 at the National Assembly by members of the Parliamentary Agreement for the Family.

In particular, the following proposals were put forward:

On pensions

  • Provide a bonus for each child corresponding to 2 years’ salary (i.e. 5% of a full career). The proposed bonus benefits mainly women who have a full career.
  • Maintain the 10% bonus from which both parents of families with 3 or more children benefit: these families invest more than the average –  in the generation who will contribute to pensions in the future –  at the expense of their own personal savings capacity.
  • Continue the allocation of pension rights on the basis of the minimum wage as in the current system (AVPF) for parents of disabled children. They are often forced to reduce their working hours or stop working to take care of their child themselves. These parents provide a true service to society and when they look after their children themselves,  save a great amount of expenses which would go into accessing specialised institutions.
  • Allocate pension rights on the basis of the minimum wage for parents who reduce their working time to keep a child under 3 years of age out of school. These parents also save the State the cost of running a crèche place (€1350/month and per child) or a childcare assistant (€850/month and per child).

On the topic of the first 1000 days of life

  • A return for parents who so wish, to take 3 years of parental leave without any obligation to share. The reform of shared parental leave is a failure in France because it does not take into account the realities of families’ lives.
  • Offer parents who so wish, a 4-month parental leave paid on the basis of sick leave – in accordance with the recommendations of the European Union – but this leave must in no way eliminate the possibility of taking long-term parental leave for parents who prefer this formula.

to improve paternal involvement and the reconciliation of professional and personal life

  • Implement a “Right to Request” law allowing employees to request flexible working arrangements to better take into account their family (children, dependent relatives) or social responsibilities (political commitment, community involvement, top-level sportsmen and women, etc.)

Discover the presentation that was made to members of Parliament(in french):



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