Help prepare your child for a happy, successful life
Emotional Intelligence videos for mothers and their families


Emotional intelligence is a vital skill that helps people build healthy and fulfilling relationships, maintain their mental health, make good decisions, and develop leadership skills. Unfortunately, e [...]

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MMM seeks academic partner for new EU Survey


We are searching for an academic partner for an EU survey on issues concerning mothers to be used as a lever for change. [...]

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MMM responds to EU Commission’s Public Consultation on Gender Pay


On May 27th, Make Mothers Matter responded to the EU Commission’s Public Consultation: “Transparency on pay for men and women”. The objective of the consultation was to gather views of stakehold [...]

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European Union, Brussels - in the lead up to the recent EU elections, our EU delegation went behind the scenes at the heart of decision making - the EU Parliament - to get reactions from MEPs about wh [...]

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MMM responds to EU consultation on access to social protection


European Commission - Self-employed workers and groups of workers in new forms of atypical employment do not have sufficient access to or are excluded from social protection. MMM has participated to c [...]

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Joint call from civil society to support the swift progress on Work-Life Balance Directive


Today MMM with 9 other civil society networks and organisations representing millions of children, young people, adults and families across the EU issue a joint statement asking the Council to continu [...]

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A step forward: New work-life balance package to improve the lives of working parents


Brussels - The European Commission has put forward an ambitious and comprehensive proposal on “Work-Life balance for working parents and carers”. [...]

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International Day for Maternal Health: Let’s talk about post-partum depression


This year’s International Day for Maternal Health we want to shed a light on depression, one of the most common mental health problems in Europe.   [...]

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MMM at EIGE’s Consultation on Gender Discrimination in Education, Training and the Labor Market


MMM presented the perspective of women mothers by highlighting how the permanence of the unpaid care workload is an obstacle to their full integration into the labor market and to equal opportunities. [...]

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European Pillar of Social Rights


MMM has joined a group of NGOs to issue a statement calling on MEPs to honour their promises to reconcile work and family life under the "European Pillar of Social Rights" [...]

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

Motherhood: The Unfinished Business of Beijing


UN New York - The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) is a landmark global policy document focused on advancing gender equality and women's rights, and is considered one of the most comprehensive

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Supporting Mothers with Disabilities: A Call for Enhanced Care and Resources


Mothers with disabilities face many challenges in a world that is physically, socially and structurally inaccessible. Their struggles often go unnoticed and underappreciated which results in vast misconceptions

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The New EU Gender Equality Roadmap : A Call for Inclusion of Mothers


The European Commission’s initiative on a new Gender Equality Roadmap post-2025, marks a significant step forward in addressing gender disparities across the European Union. Make Mothers Matter (MMM) welcomes

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Motherhood, the unfinished business of the Beijing Conference


UN New York – It has been thirty years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which laid the groundwork for transformative changes towards gender equality and the empowerment of women. In our

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Solo mothers and homelessness: exploring the links


MMM contributed a chapter to a book edited by UNANIMA International on The hidden faces of homelessness, highlighting the specific vulnerability of single mothers to homelessness. The publication was launched o

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Sharing the care, key for equity and the wellbeing of all


UN New York - Here is a look back at our side-event to the Commission on Social Development that took place earlier in February. 'Sharing is caring: equal parenting, a path to social cohesion’ presented the k

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