13 October 2020: The Employment, Social Policy and Health Consumer affairs Council of the EU (EPSCO) held a virtual debate on the equal participation of women and men in the labour market. They dis [...]
Read more12.10.20
On 7 October 2020, MMM, together with its partners at the Alliance for Investing in Children and with the European Parents' Association, responded to the Public Consultation on the Road Map for the Ch [...]
Read more12.10.20
As part of CIRC4Life, an EU Horizon 2020 Research Project, Make Mothers Matter conducted three consumer surveys in order to uncover how to better engage end-users in the circular economy. On [&hellip [...]
Read more09.07.20
Providing a voice for patients, families, and caregivers. Have your say by responding to our Survey. [...]
Read more30.06.20
Women may be disproportionately impacted by climate change given their more vulnerable socio-economic position. [...]
Read more12.06.20
On 2 June 2020, Make Mothers Matter, along with its partners of the EU Alliance for Investing in Children, with the support of the Social Platform and SDG Watch Europe, issued a Call for Action to the [...]
Read more08.06.20
On May 27th, Make Mothers Matter responded to the EU Commission’s Public Consultation: “Transparency on pay for men and women”. The objective of the consultation was to gather views of stakehold [...]
Read more27.04.20
Make Mothers Matter, together with 20 other partners of the EU Alliance for Investing in Children, added its voice in a joint statement calling for EU Member States and the European Commission to supp [...]
Read more20.04.20
On 7th April and in celebration of International health Day, the multidisciplinary EU-funded network of researchers and professionals on perinatal mental health, COST Action Riseup-PPD, raised aware [...]
Read more02.03.20
In February, Make Mothers Matter responded to the Roadmap of the European Commission strategy on Gender Equality (2020-2024) which was published on 5th March 2020. In our response we advocated that ge [...]
Read more06.03.25
Mothers with disabilities face many challenges in a world that is physically, socially and structurally inaccessible. Their struggles often go unnoticed and underappreciated which results in vast misconceptions
The European Commission’s initiative on a new Gender Equality Roadmap post-2025, marks a significant step forward in addressing gender disparities across the European Union. Make Mothers Matter (MMM) welcomes
MMM contributed a chapter to a book edited by UNANIMA International on The hidden faces of homelessness, highlighting the specific vulnerability of single mothers to homelessness. The publication was launched o
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), MMM was invited to participate in an expert’s hearing organised by the European Economic and Social Com
We are happy to announce MMM’s participation in the EU funded MAV (Mom Virtual Assistant) Project, an innovative initiative designed to empower new mothers by providing them with high-quality training in digi
We were delighted to coorganise, together with the European Parents Association (EPA), the "Quality Assurance in Child and Family Support in Europe: Policy Lessons for Evidence-Informed Decision Making" initiat