Investing in mothers for social justice


It is official. On this World Day of Social Justice, we are proud to announce that MMM has joined the International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s newly established Global Coalition for Social Justice.

For over 75 years, we at MMM have been working tirelessly to put the multiple challenges and realities that mothers face worldwide on decision-making agendas. We have long argued that society needs to change its perception of mothers. That despite their positive educational, social and economic impact as primary carers and educators of their children, women who are mothers continue to shoulder a disproportionate share of unpaid care and domestic work and endure injustices directly linked to motherhood.

Logo Global Coalition for Social Justice

We are therefore delighted at this opportunity to collaborate with the ILO in a space where partners can collectively take ‘concrete individual and collective actions to achieve tangible progress in a number of areas deemed critical to the advancement of social justice and the delivery of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’.

At MMM we are convinced that investing in mothers, and more generally in Care and support systems, is key to advancing social justice. Indeed, such investment can notably contribute to addressing inequality, discrimination and exclusion, providing protection and building resilience, whilst also strengthening just transitions and the social dimension of sustainable development – all of which are among the Coalition’s initial thematic priorities.

Accepting the invitation to join the coalition, MMM President Anne-Claire de Liedekerke drew attention to the fact that women who are mothers are poorer, more penalised in their working lives, their mental and physical health and their ability to participate in public life. She welcomed the opportunity to work together to redress these penalties and injustices, thereby triggering a positive cycle of inter-generational change.

She told the Coalition: “Our mission at MMM is to influence laws, policies and practices to end those injustices. Let us invest in mothers not penalize them. Let us join forces to advance social justice, as a key element for a better tomorrow.”

Watch her video message:

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