Care – Key contributor to peace and security


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - In an oral intervention, MMM reasserted the need to recognize and support the essential yet often unpaid work of caring as an essential pillar of peace and prosperity [...]

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Food security and human development: time to recognise the contributions of rural mothers


UN Geneva, 49th Human Rights Council - In an oral statement, MMM highlighted the structural discriminations that women farmers, in particular mothers, continue to suffer all over the world. [...]

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Call for an end to systematic human rights violations against indigenous mothers


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - Our associate member EDO Group was one of four civil society organisations given a speaking slot during the high level segment of the 49th Human Rights Council. In he [...]

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Covid-19 increased poverty and anxiety among mothers


UN New York, Commission on Social Development - In its oral statement MMM spotlights the particular impact of Covid-19 on mothers, highlighting how the increase in their unpaid work, along with job lo [...]

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Time for an economic system that values and supports care


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - The pandemic has exposed the crucial importance of Care for our collective wellbeing and the essential role parents, and in particular mothers, play in maintaining th [...]

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Care and Education at the heart of a transformative recovery


UN New York, Commission on Social Development - MMM written statement to the 60th session focuses on its main priority theme: 'Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihood [...]

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Social protection to support mothers and children is not charity but investing in the future


UN Geneva - MMM answer to a consultation by the UN Special Rapporteur on poverty on social protection focuses on maternity protection and support to families, identifying gaps and addressing non take- [...]

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Child-family separation must be prevented


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council – Ahead of the next session’s annual day on the rights of the child, MMM joined a group of Child Rights Connect members to develop a joint position paper on the rig [...]

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Shouldn’t every mother have the right to social security?


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council – On the occasion of an intersessional panel discussion on ‘The right to social security in the changing world of work ‘, MMM reaffirmed the critical importance,  [...]

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Empowering mothers to mitigate and adapt to climate change


UN New York / CSW – In its written statement to the 66th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66), MMM brings focus on the specific impacts that climate change has on women as mot [...]

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

Envisioning care as a common thread to global crises


UN New York - Our virtual HLPF side-event brought together experts to shed light on how the various global crises we face (in particular climate change and other environmental crises, the debt crisis, povertyâ€

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We call for multi-stakeholder approach to recognise and support unpaid care work


UN New York - Participating in the meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on care and support systems, MMM reaffirmed the principle of co-responsibility, which should underpin all national care

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Economic systems failing mothers’ rights


UN Geneva - As the 56th session of the Human Rights Council wraps up, we take a look back at our contributions to different discussions. Our oral statements all denounced the inadequacy and failure of our curre

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Time Poverty and the Motherhood Penalty
Unveiling Economic and Social Injustices


Mothers play an essential role in families by ensuring their loved ones are nourished, educated, and healthy, but their unpaid care work often leads to economic and social injustices, known as the motherhood pe

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Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises – connecting the dots


UN New York / HLPF - Register now to join us online at this year’s High Level Political Forum side-event.

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Widowed mothers: MMM calls for addressing the distinct challenges they face


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - MMM was invited to contribute to a side-event organised by Widows Rights International to discuss the unique challenges faced by widows who are mothers, while continuing to sho

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