MMM joins the call for the recognition of the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - MMM oral statement also drew attention to the specific vulnerabilities of women and children to water scarcity and water pollution, the focus of the latest report of  [...]

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Child poverty alleviation cannot be disassociated from support to parents


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - Make Mothers Matter took advantage of the meeting on poverty alleviation and human rights to raise the issue of child poverty for the attention of the Council. [...]

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MMM spotlights parenting and motherhood challenges in the digital era


UN New York, CSocD59 – MMM's oral statement at the general debate closed our series of contributions to the 59th UN Commission on Social Development [...]

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Harnessing digital technologies for family wellbeing: our collective responsibility


UN New York, CSocD59 - A look back at our virtual side-event that took place on February 12th to coincide with the 59th UN Commission on Social Development [...]

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MMM unites with its associate members against the pandemic


UNESCO - At the start of the global pandemic in 2020, eight NGO-UNESCO partners decided to collaborate with their grass roots associations in solidarity actions to share the voices of the most vulnera [...]

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Harnessing digital technologies for maternal health and parenting – A real bonus for family wellbeing?


UN New York, CSocD59 - On 12 February, join MMM’s virtual side-event during the 59th UN Commission on Social Development. [...]

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Our member Irish Maternity Support Network contributes to the first national maternity experience survey


October 2020 saw the results of the first Irish Maternity Experience Survey, providing an important insight into women’s experiences at all stages of maternity care in Ireland - antenatal, care duri [...]

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Digital technologies for mothers: opportunities and challenges


UN New York, CSocD59 - MMM takes the opportunity of the upcoming 59th Session of the UN Commission on Social Development (CSocD59, Feb 8th to 17th), to draw attention to the role of digital technologi [...]

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Members from across the world gather for MMM AGM


Due to the global health crisis that upturned all our lives in 2020, our 2019 AGM/EGM was inevitably delayed but held to great success virtually, on December 10th. [...]

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Covid-19: ‘We need a Care & education-led recovery’ says MMM President


Speaking at the UfM Women4Mediteranean Conference 2020, MMM President Anne-Claire de Liedekerke also called for radical change in the way we perceive and value Care, education, and those who are respo [...]

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

Envisioning care as a common thread to global crises


UN New York - Our virtual HLPF side-event brought together experts to shed light on how the various global crises we face (in particular climate change and other environmental crises, the debt crisis, povertyâ€

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We call for multi-stakeholder approach to recognise and support unpaid care work


UN New York - Participating in the meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on care and support systems, MMM reaffirmed the principle of co-responsibility, which should underpin all national care

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Economic systems failing mothers’ rights


UN Geneva - As the 56th session of the Human Rights Council wraps up, we take a look back at our contributions to different discussions. Our oral statements all denounced the inadequacy and failure of our curre

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Time Poverty and the Motherhood Penalty
Unveiling Economic and Social Injustices


Mothers play an essential role in families by ensuring their loved ones are nourished, educated, and healthy, but their unpaid care work often leads to economic and social injustices, known as the motherhood pe

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Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises – connecting the dots


UN New York / HLPF - Register now to join us online at this year’s High Level Political Forum side-event.

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Widowed mothers: MMM calls for addressing the distinct challenges they face


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - MMM was invited to contribute to a side-event organised by Widows Rights International to discuss the unique challenges faced by widows who are mothers, while continuing to sho

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