MMM Network Coordinator Sarah Krimi has been talking to many of our grass roots members, to get to know them better and to understand why mothers matter to their work. As Benoît Bichon, President & F [...]
Read more26.06.23
UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - The annual report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against women, Custody, violence against women and violence against children criticizes the use of parental [...]
Read more20.06.23
It was by all accounts, a remarkable gathering of global peacemakers. They came from all over the world to lend their voice and support to the message of the Conference: there can be no sustainable pe [...]
Read more14.04.23
Make Mothers Matter, together with the city of Ypres, and its grass roots partners Mothers for Peace, Mama Kivu and the Vrouwenraad, is organizing an international peace Conference Women at the Peace [...]
Read more04.03.23
UN Geneva, Human Rights Council – Like thousands of others, Razia Arefi, who had been working as a field director for our associate member Mothers for Peace in Afghanistan, fled the country in Augus [...]
Read more04.10.22
At MMM, we believe that sharing the invisible work of caring and educating children more equitably is a quadruple win: essential for early child development (ECD), beneficial for both men and women, a [...]
Read more26.09.22
Our grass roots member in Canada Mothers Matter Centre launched their campaign in response to the drastic increase in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) experienced across Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic [...]
Read more21.06.22
The ongoing conflict and resulting humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the mental and physical health of mothers and their children, on both those who have fled and those wh [...]
Read more26.04.22
In March this year Esperas hosted a virtual event to coincide with International Women’s Day 2022. The Peace Lab titled Ambassadors of Hope brought together three remarkable women who have been peac [...]
Read more17.03.22
UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - In an oral intervention, MMM reasserted the need to recognize and support the essential yet often unpaid work of caring as an essential pillar of peace and prosperity [...]
Read more19.03.25
At the latest EPSCO Council (Employment, Social Policy, Health, and Consumer Affairs), the Council of the European Union adopted groundbreaking Conclusions aimed at addressing work-life balance and promoting ge
The Council of the European Union has taken a decisive step in recognising the vital connection between gender equality and mental health.
UN Geneva - The 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC58) provided a crucial platform for advocacy, engagement, and collaboration on pressing human rights issues. MMM representatives made significant
On 11 March, MMM unveiled its State of Motherhood in Europe 2024 Survey in an interactive webinar. Three expert panelists and an engaged audience commented its most striking results presented by Angela Garcia,
UN New York - The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) is a landmark global policy document focused on advancing gender equality and women's rights, and is considered one of the most comprehensive
Mothers with disabilities face many challenges in a world that is physically, socially and structurally inaccessible. Their struggles often go unnoticed and underappreciated which results in vast misconceptions