Motherhood and unpaid care work at the root of the Gender Pay Gap


European Union - The EU delegation of MMM responded to the public consultation of the European Commission on 'equal pay' in April 2019 which gathered views from stakeholders on the impact of the EU ru [...]

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Seminar on the role of families in the circular economy – 14 May 2019 EESC Brussels


Make Mothers Matter is organising in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee a seminar on “the Role of Families in achieving the Circular Economy” on the occasion of the Intern [...]

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Work-Life-Balance: Eu Parliament voted the new Directive


The EU Directive on Work-Life Balance for parents and family carers gained a very large majority, in the European Parliament on the 4th of April 2019 (490 votes in favor, 82 against, 48 abstentions).  [...]

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Answer to the public consultation from the EU Commission on “equal pay”


The gender pay gap is the result of many complex factors including vertical and horizontal occupational segregation and direct pay discrimination but is mainly linked to what is called the “motherho [...]

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Maternity Protection and addressing the Care Gap must be part of any social protection policy that seeks to empower women


UN New York – This was the core message that MMM presented in a panel discussion held on the margins of the 63rd UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63). [...]

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CSW63 key recommendations for social and maternity protection for mothers welcomed by MMM


UN New York – The 63rd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) concluded on Friday 22nd March by the adoption “by consensus” of its “draft agreed conclusions”. [...]

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Quand les Mères s’en mèlent… Ça marche – When Mothers get involved… it works


March 26th Paris - MMM France celebrated its 25th anniversary at the Assemblée Nationale in what was seen as a successful model of a ‘working dinner’. The evening titled “Quand les meres s’en [...]

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‘Care has no value in our economic systems’ says Sociologist Maria-Angeles Duran


UN New York – The topic of Care took centre stage at the UN Commission on the Status of Women. We at MMM argue that despite its lack of market value in economic systems, the future of society throug [...]

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MMM nominates Awaj Founder for Peace Prize


MMM is proud to highlight its associate member, Awaj Foundation, whose Founder and Mentor, Nazma Akter has been promoting the rights of women working in the garment factories of Bangladesh. [...]

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Joint Open Letter to the EU Employment Council:  Congratulations, nearly there!


MMM has joined other eight European civil society networks and organisations to issue a statement ahead of the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council on 15 March 2019 concer [...]

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

Envisioning care as a common thread to global crises


UN New York - Our virtual HLPF side-event brought together experts to shed light on how the various global crises we face (in particular climate change and other environmental crises, the debt crisis, poverty

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We call for multi-stakeholder approach to recognise and support unpaid care work


UN New York - Participating in the meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on care and support systems, MMM reaffirmed the principle of co-responsibility, which should underpin all national care

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Economic systems failing mothers’ rights


UN Geneva - As the 56th session of the Human Rights Council wraps up, we take a look back at our contributions to different discussions. Our oral statements all denounced the inadequacy and failure of our curre

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Time Poverty and the Motherhood Penalty
Unveiling Economic and Social Injustices


Mothers play an essential role in families by ensuring their loved ones are nourished, educated, and healthy, but their unpaid care work often leads to economic and social injustices, known as the motherhood pe

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Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises – connecting the dots


UN New York / HLPF - Register now to join us online at this year’s High Level Political Forum side-event.

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Widowed mothers: MMM calls for addressing the distinct challenges they face


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - MMM was invited to contribute to a side-event organised by Widows Rights International to discuss the unique challenges faced by widows who are mothers, while continuing to sho

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