Businesses must address the motherhood penalty and its root cause – the imbalance of unpaid care work


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - In an oral Statement to the council, MMM also called businesses to promote a more equitable sharing of unpaid family care responsibilities and work between women and  [...]

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An agreement finally reached by the Council of the EU on the work-life balance directive


After 2 years of intense negotiations among the EU institutions, on June 13th 2019 the Council of the EU Ministers adopted a Directive on work-life balance for parents and caregivers with a large majo [...]

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Empowering Mothers for achieving the SDGs


UN New York, HLPF 2019 - We at MMM are convinced that empowering mothers can have a wide-ranging positive impact for the realization of many if not all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This w [...]

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MMM highlights persisting gender inequalities at EU levels


On the 31st of May 2019, the EU Delegation of Make Mothers Matter responded to the European Commission’s public consultation on the current EU strategic framework for gender equality (2016-19) [&hel [...]

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The world of work must adapt to people and families, not the other way around


UN Geneva, International Labour Conference - MMM joins the ILO's call for a push for gender equality, and more investment in human capital We also call for a paradigm shift to put people and the plane [...]

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MMM supports civil society call for swift transposition of EU Work-Life Balance Directive


In a joint letter to the EPSCO Council who will be meeting on June 13th, a Coalition of European NGO networks are urging national governments to move towards a swift […] [...]

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European Union, Brussels - in the lead up to the recent EU elections, our EU delegation went behind the scenes at the heart of decision making - the EU Parliament - to get reactions from MEPs about wh [...]

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MMM members share news of their grassroots work with and for mothers


At our recent AGM held in Brussels, we were proud to welcome so many of our new members. It was a rich day filled with passion and diversity as each organization offered their individual testimonial o [...]

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EESC Seminar : Families play a pivotal role in accelerating the transition to a circular economy


On May 14th, Make Mothers Matter celebrated the International Day of Families by hosting a seminar highlighting the importance of engaging mothers and families as changemakers for sustainable developm [...]

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Motherhood and unpaid care work at the root of the Gender Pay Gap


European Union - The EU delegation of MMM responded to the public consultation of the European Commission on 'equal pay' in April 2019 which gathered views from stakeholders on the impact of the EU ru [...]

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

The New EU Gender Equality Roadmap : A Call for Inclusion of Mothers


The European Commission’s initiative on a new Gender Equality Roadmap post-2025, marks a significant step forward in addressing gender disparities across the European Union. Make Mothers Matter (MMM) welcomes

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Motherhood, the unfinished business of the Beijing Conference


UN New York – It has been thirty years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which laid the groundwork for transformative changes towards gender equality and the empowerment of women. In our

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Solo mothers and homelessness: exploring the links


MMM contributed a chapter to a book edited by UNANIMA International on The hidden faces of homelessness, highlighting the specific vulnerability of single mothers to homelessness. The publication was launched o

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Sharing the care, key for equity and the wellbeing of all


UN New York - Here is a look back at our side-event to the Commission on Social Development that took place earlier in February. 'Sharing is caring: equal parenting, a path to social cohesion’ presented the k

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Strengthening the care ecosystem: key to building a cohesive society


UN New York - MMM's oral statement to the UN Commission on Social Development highlighted the central and unique role of Care for social cohesion and social development, reminding the lessons drawn from the Cov

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Sharing is caring:
equal parenting, a path to social cohesion?


UN New York, UN Commission on Social Development – Register now to our virtual side-event for a discussion on how a more equal sharing of unpaid care and domestic work can contribute to social cohesion and so

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