Women's rights

MMM fights for the pension rights of mothers in France


Are we ready to recognise and support unpaid Care work performed by parents - and mothers particularly? Broken careers because of unpaid care work explain a good deal about persistent

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MMM responds to European consultation on validation of skills


Make Mothers Matter responded on 13 November 2019 to the Public Consultation organised by the European Commission on the validation of non-formal and informal learning.

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Beijing+25: #FeministsWantSystemChange – Mothers too


UN Geneva, Beijing+25 - MMM was actively involved in the preparations for the CSO Forum that took place on 28 October, just before the UNECE intergovernmental meeting to review the

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Stop Sexual Violence Against Women – And restore their dignity


This is the leitmotif of Mamas for Africa, a new member association of Make Mothers Matter, active in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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MMM defends women’s participation in the conduct of public affairs


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council 39th Session - Mothers are directly concerned by many human rights issues. Through its statements, MMM makes their voices heard and highlights their contributions -

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22 countries do not allow mothers to pass their citizenship on to their children


The right of mothers to pass their citizenship on to their children has dramatic consequences on the civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights of

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European consultation on work-life balance


MMM asks to include the "right to request": the right to ask for an adjustment of working conditions.

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

Time Poverty and the Motherhood Penalty
Unveiling Economic and Social Injustices


Mothers play an essential role in families by ensuring their loved ones are nourished, educated, and healthy, but their unpaid care work often leads to economic and social injustices, known as the motherhood pe

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Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises – connecting the dots


UN New York / HLPF - Register now to join us online at this year’s High Level Political Forum side-event.

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Widowed mothers: MMM calls for addressing the distinct challenges they face


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - MMM was invited to contribute to a side-event organised by Widows Rights International to discuss the unique challenges faced by widows who are mothers, while continuing to sho

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MMM teams push for strengthening the right to education


UN Geneva – A resolution aimed at strengthening the right to education in international legal instruments will be negotiated during the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, which began on 18 June. This r

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A new social contract cannot ignore care


UN Geneva, 112th International Labour Conference (ILC) – MMM contributed to the discussion on the International Labour Organisation Director General’s report calling for a new social contract.

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What mothers need from a care economy


UN Geneva – A general discussion on decent work and the care economy was on the agenda of the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC), which took place over the past two weeks. MMM was there, providing in

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