UN Geneva - MMM is delighted to support a photo exhibition illustrating mothers' challenges and choices (or lack of it) in combining professional work and family. [...]
Read more04.06.18
UN Geneva / International Labour Conference - MMM oral intervention commends the International Labour's Organisation's Women at Work Initiative and its new "push for equality". It also reaffirms the u [...]
Read more22.03.18
The Secretary General of the EU Delegation of MMM has been speaking at an Round Table called “A business commitment for a better Work-Life Balance” on 22 March 2018 hosted by Maria Arena MEP and A [...]
Read more07.12.17
Today MMM with 9 other civil society networks and organisations representing millions of children, young people, adults and families across the EU issue a joint statement asking the Council to continu [...]
Read more26.04.17
Brussels - The European Commission has put forward an ambitious and comprehensive proposal on “Work-Life balance for working parents and carers”. [...]
Read more17.01.17
MMM has joined a group of NGOs to issue a statement calling on MEPs to honour their promises to reconcile work and family life under the "European Pillar of Social Rights" [...]
Read more15.06.16
A new member of MMM in Bangladesh, the Awaj Foundation has the aim of strengthening the competences of women workers in the textile industry notably in financial literacy and leadership. [...]
Read more17.02.16
MMM asks to include the "right to request": the right to ask for an adjustment of working conditions. [...]
Read more06.05.15
MMM has brought together a group of mothers with babies and pregnant women in the European Parliament as part of our campaign to encourage a review of the Maternity Leave Directive. [...]
Read more15.05.14
International Day of Families - 2014 marks the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of Families. MMM President Anne-Claire de Liedekerke takes this opportunity to make a plea for something [...]
Read more17.01.25
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), MMM was invited to participate in an expert’s hearing organised by the European Economic and Social Com
UN New York - Thirty years after the first World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen, where Member States committed to prioritise the eradication of poverty, full employment and social inclusion in devel
UN Geneva - Answering a call for input for a UN report on just transition and human rights, MMM advocates a just transition centred on care. Our contribution focusses on policies and practices that, in the cont
UN Geneva - The working group on discrimination against women and girls has requested input on care policies and programmes worldwide. In addition to highlighting examples of good laws, policies and practices t
We are happy to announce MMM’s participation in the EU funded MAV (Mom Virtual Assistant) Project, an innovative initiative designed to empower new mothers by providing them with high-quality training in digi
Make Mothers Matter co-presented the official launch of Be Family in Paris, a movement aimed at bridging the gap between personal and professional life for working parents. This first event, which took place in