UN New York, Summit of the Future - At an event on Caring Territories for the Future: Feminist Municipalism for Equality, Climate Action, Democracy and Peace, MMM highlighted the many ways in which local governments can contribute to recognising, redistributing and supporting unpaid care work, and the mothers behind it.
Organised by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), UN Women and the government of Mexico, the event celebrated Local and Regional Governments Day on 20 September, ahead of the UN Summit of the future. It discussed how local and regional governments, in alliance with key partners, can advance a paradigm shift on care as a transformative lever to achieve the 2030 development agenda.
Invited to speak in the first session on a new social contract based on local caring systems, Jacqueline Leduc, MMM’s main representative to the UN in New York, highlighted the many ways in which local governments can and must be key players in developing cross-sectorial care policies.
The following summarises our key points.
Unpaid care work IS work, indispensable work, that sustains families, communities, society and the economy – and that benefits us all.
Because it benefits us all, everyone, every stakeholder, should take its share of responsibility. And that includes local governments, which can and must contribute to the recognition, redistribution and support of unpaid care work.
First of all, local governments are key stakeholders for the provision of quality public infrastructure and services supporting unpaid care caregivers, including health services, childcare and other care services, transportation, education, social housing, etc.
But local governments can and must do more in helping to develop a comprehensive care system. They can:
The principle of co-responsibility is vital when applied to local governments. They are key stakeholders in redressing the unpaid care work-related social and economic injustices suffered by women – in particular when they are mothers, and in caring for and supporting those caregivers.
By nurturing the carers and working together, we are in a position to build more caring societies, and a new social contract.
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