No economic reform or policy should penalize mothers and families


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - For too long, families have been adjusting to the economy and the labour market. It is time the economy adjusts to families. This was, in essence, the message deliver [...]

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Making social protection work for and with mothers


UN New York , 63rd Commission on the Status of Women - MMM Statement highlights that the 2 main pillars of social protection, health and income security, are particularly relevant for mothers and thei [...]

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Statement on the Work-life balance Directive proposal negotiations: A swift agreement is needed more than ever


Today, a trialogue meeting among the Council of the EU, Parliament, and Commission to reach a common text on the EU Work-Life Balance Directive proposal is taking place. [...]

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Leave no mother behind: empowered mothers are change makers who can make the SDGs succeed


UN Geneva, Forum on Women's Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Invited to speak in the session on the role of women in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), MMM highlighted how mothe [...]

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Civil society joint statement: What voters want from the EU Work-life balance directive


In half a year, European citizens will be called to vote for a new European Parliament and give an indication on whether they are satisfied with the current leadership or wish to change it. Leaders an [...]

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MMM defends women’s participation in the conduct of public affairs


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council 39th Session - Mothers are directly concerned by many human rights issues. Through its statements, MMM makes their voices heard and highlights their contributions - esp [...]

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Advocating for family needs in the Work-life balance EU directive proposal


Since the European Commission published a proposal of the EU Directive on Work-Life Balance for parents and family carers in April 2017, MMM has been actively following the legislative process and eng [...]

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Portrait of a (working) mother


UN Geneva - MMM is delighted to support a photo exhibition illustrating mothers' challenges and choices (or lack of it) in combining professional work and family. [...]

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Mothers’ Rights are Human Rights – MMM at the 38th Human Rights Council


UN Geneva / HRC - Through oral Statements, MMM brought the perspective of mothers to the discussions on several issues, including the return of migrants to their home country, engaging men and boys fo [...]

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Empowered mothers can provide the nurturing care which is so important for Early Childhood Development


UN Geneva - In a written Statement ahead of the Human Rights Council, MMM draws attention to the challenges faced by mothers in ensuring the necessary nurturing and caring environment during the criti [...]

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

The New EU Gender Equality Roadmap : A Call for Inclusion of Mothers


The European Commission’s initiative on a new Gender Equality Roadmap post-2025, marks a significant step forward in addressing gender disparities across the European Union. Make Mothers Matter (MMM) welcomes

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Motherhood, the unfinished business of the Beijing Conference


UN New York – It has been thirty years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which laid the groundwork for transformative changes towards gender equality and the empowerment of women. In our

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Solo mothers and homelessness: exploring the links


MMM contributed a chapter to a book edited by UNANIMA International on The hidden faces of homelessness, highlighting the specific vulnerability of single mothers to homelessness. The publication was launched o

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Sharing the care, key for equity and the wellbeing of all


UN New York - Here is a look back at our side-event to the Commission on Social Development that took place earlier in February. 'Sharing is caring: equal parenting, a path to social cohesion’ presented the k

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Strengthening the care ecosystem: key to building a cohesive society


UN New York - MMM's oral statement to the UN Commission on Social Development highlighted the central and unique role of Care for social cohesion and social development, reminding the lessons drawn from the Cov

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Sharing is caring:
equal parenting, a path to social cohesion?


UN New York, UN Commission on Social Development – Register now to our virtual side-event for a discussion on how a more equal sharing of unpaid care and domestic work can contribute to social cohesion and so

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