Child development

Care experts agree: redistribution key to achieving Gender Equality


Redistributing care work was a central topic at a wide-ranging discussion recently hosted by Harvard Kennedy School Women’s Network and the Women 20 (W20) organization.

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Help prepare your child for a happy, successful life
Emotional Intelligence videos for mothers and their families


Emotional intelligence is a vital skill that helps people build healthy and fulfilling relationships, maintain their mental health, make good decisions, and develop leadership skills. Unfortunately, e

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Parents, key stakeholders for child rights in the digital environment


UN Geneva, Human Rights Council - At the annual day on the rights of the child, which focused on child rights in the digital environment, MMM reaffirmed the importance of

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Supporting families to meet children’s needs by making quality family support a right for children


Family is the primary social structure through which the needs and rights of children and young people are met and realized. The right to family life as set out by

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Harnessing digital technologies to empower mothers – and their children


UN New York, CSW67 - Digital technologies, which is the priority theme of the upcoming Commission on the Status of Women, have the potential to greatly increase women’s agency and

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Ensure Universal Access to Maternal healthcare in the European Union


The European Child Guarantee and universal maternal healthcare in Europe: the essential role of maternal health in the first 1000 days of child development

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Making the case for Gender Equal Parenting: Vital for Early Childhood Development and a transformative tomorrow


At MMM, we believe that sharing the invisible work of caring and educating children more equitably is a quadruple win: essential for early child development (ECD), beneficial for both men

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An integrated approach to childcare services from a children’s rights perspective


The European Commission (EC) has announced its new plan to develop a European Care Strategy expected to strengthen long-term care and early childhood education and care, as envisaged under the

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Care and Education at the heart of a transformative recovery


UN New York, Commission on Social Development - MMM written statement to the 60th session focuses on its main priority theme: 'Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihood

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MMM France presents results of first 1000 days survey – Will French mothers be heard?


To advocate for the needs and expectations of mothers in relation to the French government's forthcoming reform on the #1000premiersjours (#First1000Days), MMM France was determined to hear and consul

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Latest News from MMM and its Network

Ensuring Work-Life Balance: The EU’s Commitment to Supporting Parents, notably mothers, and Gender Equality


At the latest EPSCO Council (Employment, Social Policy, Health, and Consumer Affairs), the Council of the European Union adopted groundbreaking Conclusions aimed at addressing work-life balance and promoting ge

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Breaking the Cycle: Gender Equality as a Path to Better Mental Health


The Council of the European Union has taken a decisive step in recognising the vital connection between gender equality and mental health.

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Championing Mothers’ Rights at the UN Human Rights Council


UN Geneva - The 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC58) provided a crucial platform for advocacy, engagement, and collaboration on pressing human rights issues. MMM representatives made significant

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The voice of Mothers: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Numbers


On 11 March, MMM unveiled its State of Motherhood in Europe 2024 Survey in an interactive webinar. Three expert panelists and an engaged audience commented its most striking results presented by Angela Garcia,

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Motherhood: The Unfinished Business of Beijing


UN New York - The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) is a landmark global policy document focused on advancing gender equality and women's rights, and is considered one of the most comprehensive

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Supporting Mothers with Disabilities: A Call for Enhanced Care and Resources


Mothers with disabilities face many challenges in a world that is physically, socially and structurally inaccessible. Their struggles often go unnoticed and underappreciated which results in vast misconceptions

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